Emma's Gotcha Day Video

Friday, October 23, 2009

Funny Face

This is hilarious. Emma has this new face that she makes. There's no way I can describe it, so I took a picture of it. It's even funnier in person. We have it on video, but it won't upload to the blog... She does it when we give her the baby doll that she has played with since she came home. Aside from her new funny face, she has boycotted the car seat altogether. She literally cries and screams the whole time she's in the car. Any of you who have any suggestions, we'd love to here them. She also has a new thing where she shakes her head no when she doesn't want to do something. Little Miss Emma is getting quite the personality. She did sleep better last night. She went down at 10:30, had a bottle at 12:00 and stayed down until 6:00 this morning. We woke up and Ryan and I looked at each other and said, "Did you get up?" We were pleased to learn both of us slept for 6 hours straight!

Our little Minnie Mouse...

Notice Emma is right in the mix... She wants to be just like Daddy and brother...

Emma is such an explorer. Here she's learning more about spiders...


  1. Hey Jess, will you email me at inspiredbygrace@yahoo.com ? I have a few questions. Kristin Thomas (akins)

  2. Love the funny face picture! So adorable!

    I know what you mean about sleeping through the night - the first time Matthew slept through until 7am I woke up and about had a heart attack when I realized it was morning and we hadn't had to get up! I rushed over to the monitor to make sure I could still hear him breathing!!! So happy you are getting good sleep :)

